Specification sheets bring a lot of functionality to manufacturing firms by providing customisable forms that can be “Area Type” specific.
Spec question groups (headings) are parents to the Spec questions. You can order the “Spec Questions” to the “Spec Question Group”.
Tablet Screens allow for live editing of spec questions.
Note: Be sure to use the back button on the bottom of the tablet screen.
Spec Question Groups must first be created before Spec Questions can be used. Note: If you want the question to apply to all Room Types then do not apply any filters.
Only filter by “Areas” if this question only applies to certain Area Types.
Answer Types explained:
Dropbox: Allows for comma separated answers to display as options for the user to choose from.
Textbox: Allows for a one to two-word answer to be typed in a small box.
Textarea: Makes a page-wide text box for where the user can add notes.
Checkbox: Makes a checkbox option for the user to select.
Availability Chart: Provides functionality for the user to search Availability Charts for correct selection of an Availability Chart item. It is also possible to define preselected fields when this option is selected. This will assist with untrained persons selecting incorrect data.
Stock Type.
Duplicate Previous Question: Allows a user to duplicate a previous spec question. Users can also configure the amount of previous questions that you would like to duplicate on the spec sheet.
Example Spec Sheet
Printing Specs to PDF
To print a spec sheet to a PDF file format. Press the the Print Iconlocated in the Mod Column within the spec tab of the Job.
A new tab will pop up in your browser, generating the PDF of your selected spec sheet.
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