Author name: Deborah Peters

January 2024

    09 January Allowing rate types to be set up in such a way, that purchase orders items can be priced based on a square metre rate, instead of a sheet size. Enhancement 16 January JM2 migration: Handling situation where old quotes were made with style types that have subsequently been deleted Bugfix 16 January […]

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December 2023

    13 December Bugfix for purchase orders that are set to collate, not showing the correct line item total for collated lines. Bugfix 13 December Allowing grouping in the job raw materials report Enhancement  20 December  Bugfix for handling email triggers, where sometimes old dates would be sent when updating a checklist, and that checklist

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November 2023

  02 November Bugfix for handling commas in operation type names, when editing staff Bugfix 02 November Bugfix for jobs occasionally not finding the correct job folder if that folder had been renamed manually. Bugfix 02 November Bugfix for purchase order items added using the “Add More” functionality, not collating properly with other items that

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October 2023

    04/10/2023 Updating purchase order item report to allow searching for purchase order items that haven’t been invoiced. Enhancement 04/10/2023 Adding config variable to allow people to select how many columns to display job details in. Enhancement 04/10/2023 Handling the case where Job Raw Materials were put into a PO, but then the PO

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