Delivery Locations is a new feature added to Jobman which allows for multiple delivery locations to be set. Users can select specific delivery locations in supplier purchase orders for goods to be delivered to.  

A level 5 admin user is needed for the initial setup of the delivery locations. Under Admin>Inventory you will see Delivery Locations as shown below.

A default delivery location will already exist in your system. This will be generic and can be modified by clicking the edit button under the Mod column. Complete the required fields and save any changes. If you do need to add multiple delivery locations, click as shown below and populate the required fields. 

Fill in all the data required for the delivery locations and click .

Once the delivery locations have been added and setup, you will be able to select from the list and set a location for delivery when in a purchase order.

Note: To display the Delivery Location on the supplier purchase order printout, you will need to add delivery location template variables to your purchase order template first. These are found here: Template Variables

To add these template variables to your PO template, under Admin>Templates>Purchase Order Template, click edit under modify column to open and change the required template, as shown below, these deliver location variables were Clt+C (copy) and then Ctl+V (paste) into the correct area to show the Delivery Location as selected in supplier PO onto the template.

Below is the end result, Delivery Location variables added to the PO template, the Delivery Location setup, and selected in the supplier purchase order.

Note: Using the Delivery Location variables as shown above on the PO template, will automatically pick up when other Delivery Locations are selected.