Alerts can be created from the Alerts menu option under General/Job Book/Job Alerts in jobman or it can be accessed from mobile devices.

Alerts in Jobman 

Alerts can be edited or created under General/Job Book/ Job Alerts.

Editing an Alert or changing its status can be done by double clicking on on any Alert line item. 

In any selected Alert you can edit the Alert Type, alter the Alert Status as well as assign the Alert to the relevant members of staff with a nominated Due Date. Key information specific to the Alert can also be typed into the Details section. The uploaded images can also have details and descriptions added to each image within the alert. 

The responsible staff member set for the relevant Alert Type, will be notified via email when an Alert is reported. This is in addition to the notificaiton that will go to the staff member whom has been assigned the alert. 

This feature assists in bridging any communication gaps by providing users the opportunity in flagging issues at hand in an efficient and concise manner to everyone involved.


Within each Alert you have the added functionality of being able to ‘Create a Work Order’ under a Job straight out of the Alert screen which would be specific to the alert created. For more information on Work Orders please Click here… 

You are also provided options to ‘Email’ and ‘Print’ Alerts in order to facilitate passing on the information to relevant staff members. This functionality can be located at the bottom of each Alert screen as shown below.

Alerts on Mobile Devices

The ‘Alerts’ feature can be accessed for either smartphone, touchscreen & tablet interfaces. These allow a photo to be taken and attach it automatically to the Alert notification or images can also be uploaded to the Alert notification through your existing image library on your devices.

Alerts on Smartphone and Touchscreen Interfaces

This functionality was designed more for the use of factory workers in mind so they can simply and efficiently create, raise and record Alert notifications. 


For more information on how to create and use alerts through the smartphone and touch screen interfaces please Click Here… 

Alerts on Tablet Interfaces
The functionality of Alerts on a tablet interface was specifically designed more for office type roles such as sales staff and managers, especially when they are out of the office. The Alert feature through the tablet interface is a streamlined, simple & easy to use interface that allows users to create Alerts, view Alert listings and statuses as well as edit and email Alerts to relevant staff members to action the Alert.

 For more information and guidelines on Alerts using a tablet interface please Click Here…