Target Maps allow for the user to visualise Leads and Jobs by their Type, Status, Operation Type and also, certain staff.

To see the required data, first select the date range and the required filters. Any combination of a Job, a Lead or both can be selected to see data.

  • Filters by Job Type, Status, Operation Type or Staff Member
Job TypeLead Type
Job StatusLead Status
Operation TypeLead Operation Type
Staff MembersSales Staff

Click on any coloured icon to see the details or hover over an icon for a quick look at some details.

The days are colour coded as follows

Monday : cyanThursday : orangeSunday : purple
Tuesday : limeFriday : red 
Wednesday : yellowSaturday : magenta 

Additional Filter options can be defined by the administrator in Job Details, like the Check Measurer or Assembler filter in the first screenshot above.