Easy access to all of your Job-related data whenever and wherever, is what it’s all about. There will be 2 directories called Jobs and Leads on your mapped drive. These will have folders called ‘Template to Copy’. These folders must be left alone and not renamed. Within these folders, you can add sub-folders for file management. Folders you may wish to create could be:
To use Dropbox as your file server click here.
Jobman will automatically create a folder for each new Lead as Year/Month/Lead Number and Job as Job Number/Company Name/Address/Suburb with your added folders inside. See examples below:
Note; If your mapped drives have been set up after the related Jobs and Leads you will have to resave these to upload and see images.
Job Man provides two interfaces to access this data.
1. Through the job tab itself.
2. The Tablet interface.
Accessing data through mapped drives via Windows Explorer is a good way of adding attachments received in emails and scanned documents from the scanner. You can use the top right search box in Windows Explorer to find your CSV.