Creating a Purchase Order
After the job raw materials have been assigned for a job, a Purchase Order can then be created within Jobman in several ways.
1. For the specific Job or for Batch orders via the Purchase Order tab in the job.
2. From General>Purchase Orders.
Note: Purchase orders can also be generated for stock to replenish regular inventory items.
Purchase Order Created for a Job

When all the raw materials have been collated, select Purchase Orders and Generate Purchase Order.

In the new purchase order form select a Supplier. The Attention field is populated automatically if a contact person has been selected in the Contacts.
Add new items by clicking
and click
when completed.

When items have been delivered in full, the delivered quantity will turn green and the required date will turn black.

Double click anywhere on the row to edit. The following window will appear with the below purchase order form.

Change Supplier on a Purchase Order
You can edit the supplier on a purchase order instead of cancelling.
1. Open the existing order.
2. Change the status back to ‘Created’ (if applicable).
3. Change the supplier as shown below.
4. Click the

button to update with the new supplier item codes and pricing.
5. When the PO is sent, change the status back to ‘Ordered’.
4. Click

Note: For the change of supplier to work correctly, the supplier has to be setup for the availability chart item (see below). Jobman allows up to four suppliers per item with the ability to set one as the preferred supplier.
Batch Purchase Order Grouping Multiple Items for Multiple Jobs to One Supplier

From the Purchase Order tab click Generate Purchase Order to open a new form. If you have already assigned raw material items in various jobs, once you select the supplier, a pop up window will appear to confirm that it is OK to add in the number of line items to the purchase order.

You will have the option to Add new items to an existing purchase order if the purchase orders is still in the ‘Created’ status.

To add new items to an existing purchase order:
1. Select and open the purchase order.
2. Select 
3. Select to add items for either a specific job number or the option for All Jobs (for the indicated supplier). If choosing to show items from All Jobs, the grid will load items that can be selected to add to the existing PO.
4. Click OK to add the item and then click 
Note: You can also add items to the purchase order that are not assigned to a specific job. These are searchable in the Availability Chart section as per image below. Double click the item to add to the PO. These will list as Stock under the Job column on the PO.

If you are ready to send the PO to the supplier, you can click email or you can also export to .CSV file to upload onto the supplier online ordering website (supplier must have the upload .CSV file option for this to work) then update the status of the PO to ordered.

Jobman also provides the option to order Stock items from the supplier. To apply this function:
1. General>Accounts>Purchase Orders
2. Click Generate Purchase Order
3. Select the supplier.
Note: Availability chart items can be used by searching this section at the bottom of the new purchase order page for items that come from the selected supplier. Double click to add these to the PO, these items will list as Stock on the PO as shown below.
- Add items to a purchase order on the fly by clicking
. - If the item is not listed in the availability chart items, then the item can also be created on the fly.
- Add in the details for the stock type, item details, description, product code, quantity required, unit price and any notes.
- Click
to add item to the order.
Note: The new item will update to the availability chart items for future use.
Collate Identical Items in a Batch Purchase Order
Jobman now has the ability to group together identical items in a batch purchase order through the ‘Collate Identical’ option which can be found on the purchase order template.
- Navigate to Admin>Purchase Order Templates.
- Select a template and check the box as shown below.
- Now all identical items on a purchase will appear as one line item for the supplier but will still show as assigned by job within Jobman (see below).

Printing a PO with Collated Items This is configured in Jobman by navigating to ADMIN>PURCHASE_ORDER_TEMPLATES
Sending a purchase order
When you are ready to proceed with submitting the created PO to the preferred supplier, you can do this by the following:
- Email to supplier
- Export into CSV.file
Click on the email tab (bottom right corner) to email directly to the supplier option. Once the pop-up purchase order window appears the supplier email address will auto populate, click email purchase order to send.
Note: For the email to send successfully, a purchase order email address must be populated in the supplier contact. Jobman also has an export to .CSV file for online ordering if the supplier has the option to upload a .CSV file for this option to work. Just simply click Export to perform this function.