See members of your staff and what they are currently working on. Drag and drop functionality with the ability to modify lower level staff’s times. Timesheets can be synced with your accounting software. 

  Note: Jobman will sync all times recorded with your accounting software. Any changes to timesheets can be made using the drop and drag functionality. 

Viewing Timesheets

You will be able to view staff timesheets under General>Time & Attendance>Timesheet. In the top right corner, you will see a drop-down menu option, where you can select the staff person you wish to review.

As shown below, the left side of a timesheet will display the total daily time recorded, and in the bottom left you will see the tabs to select Projects or Leads to add to a staff timesheet. Over the the right of the timesheet, is where the date, Job/Lead number, duration are all added via using the touchscreen/mobile phone interface or adding the Job/Lead to the timesheet.

Editing Timesheets

This is recommended to be performed in Jobman, you have to be on a staff access level 4 or higher to be able to view and edit other staff timesheets. The first step is in the top right corner of the timesheet select the staff person from the drop-down menu. Then on the recorded effort, you have either the option to click on the recorded time and a window opens as shown below, or you can click and hold on the recorded effort to drop and drag around to where the start time is required. You can also hover the cursor at the bottom of the recorded effort, once the up/down cursor arrow displays, this allows you to drag in or out the recorded duration. 

Reasons For Editing Timesheet
  1. Staff person forgot to log off the job they were working on before they went on a break or left for the day.
  2. Staff person has logged time against two jobs that are overlapping, instead of being one under the other.
  3. Rounding the start or finish time of the working day. For example, staff start at 7.00 am, however, the staff person logged time on a job task at 6.57 am, these few minutes could go over normal working hours if not adjusted, causing Overtime works to be applied.
  4. Applying sick leave, annual leave, unpaid leave, and public holiday to a staff person timesheet when required. Recommended that an internal job is available for these types of leave, you will have Job#100 already created in your software with these leave types set up to use on timesheets.
Timesheet Effort Bar Colours:
You will notice staff timesheets will present different coloured bars for time recorded against both Leads and Jobs, this is by design and to make it easier to view if the time is under or over the estimated time for the Lead or Job operation.
Two separate colour options are used for time recorded against Jobs. These assist from a visual aspect to easier viewing for when a staff person has recorded more actual time than what was allowed for.
Blue = Effort was made within the Job Operations Estimated Duration. 
Red = Effort exceeded the Job Operation Estimated Duration.

Two separate colour options are used for time recorded against Leads, these assist from a visual aspect to easier viewing for when a staff person has recorded more actual time than what was allowed for.
Green = Effort was made within the Lead Operations Estimated Duration. 
Orange = Effort exceeded the Lead Operations Estimated Duration. 

  Note: The above timesheet data is beneficial for your company moving forward, as you can easily identify the tasks/operation types that are taking staff longer than what was expected or quoted for, in which you can then refine the durations further in Jobman. For example increase/decrease the minutes assigned as operation times to your products, or further train staff to reduce the amount of mistakes being made on jobs.
Timesheet Weekday Start-End Day
You can now customize your staff timesheets to start and end on the preferred weekday, therefore if you wish to match up your timesheets to display for your company pay week, and for example this pay period starts every Wednesday, in the config settings you can adjust the value as shown below to reflect the start day.
Tip: When searching for this config setting, use the search tool in the bottom right corner and type in Timesheet.
Note: For the above config setting, you will need to input the value 1=Monday through to 7=Sunday that you require for the start day to be for your staff timesheets. The default will be 1= Monday as the start day for weekly timesheets.